Title: Wolves - Nets: Part One, with Wolves making his trading debut..... Post by: NetsGM on November 02, 2006, 05:33:23 PM Nets send: Pick #20 (Spurs 1st), #33 (Bucks 2nd), Heat 1st Round Pick in 2018
Wolves send: Pick #43 (Wolves 2nd) Part two to be announced after the picks 11-20 are made. Title: Re: Wolves - Nets: Part One, with Wolves making his trading debut..... Post by: WolvesGM-old on November 02, 2006, 05:36:24 PM Nets send: Pick #20 (Spurs 1st), #33 (Bucks 2nd), Heat 1st Round Pick in 2018 Wolves send: Pick #43 (Wolves 2nd) Part two to be announced after the picks 11-20 are made. I accept. 2 1st's and a high 2nd for a low 2nd... what a steal. Title: Re: Wolves - Nets: Part One, with Wolves making his trading debut..... Post by: NetsGM on November 02, 2006, 05:59:00 PM :cheers:
Anything to make you feel welcome in these parts. The second part of the deal is clearly the incentive for me. In the end, I shake free more cap flexibility, will get a better prospect, and balance my lineup abit. Nice dealing with you. I don't know, have we ever done one in RBSL? Title: Re: Wolves - Nets: Part One, with Wolves making his trading debut..... Post by: WolvesGM-old on November 03, 2006, 06:19:26 AM :cheers: Anything to make you feel welcome in these parts. The second part of the deal is clearly the incentive for me. In the end, I shake free more cap flexibility, will get a better prospect, and balance my lineup abit. Nice dealing with you. I don't know, have we ever done one in RBSL? with all the trades that both of us have done, i'm sure we must have... but I don't remember one... |