The War Room => Trade Talk => Topic started by: RaptorsGM on March 10, 2005, 07:03:11 AM

Title: I have 4 picks, Looking to move up.
Post by: RaptorsGM on March 10, 2005, 07:03:11 AM
Right now I hold they 4th, 7th, 13th and 24th picks.

I want to move up. I'd be willing to package the 13th, 23rd, AND a future pick to move up.

This draft is deep, so picks are going to be worthwhile all through the first round.

I have just uilt up spme great cap space after next season, and I don't think I need 4 rookies all getting paid big bucks.

Title: I have 4 picks, Looking to move up.
Post by: RaptorsGM on March 16, 2005, 09:30:22 AM
Still waiting. I'm offering 2-3 picks for one. Great deal :)

Title: I have 4 picks, Looking to move up.
Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on March 16, 2005, 02:27:20 PM
Just an FYI: Wizards Pick is #14...  Denver has the #13 Pick(Final Lottery Pick) due to the fact that they didn't make the play-offs...

Title: I have 4 picks, Looking to move up.
Post by: RaptorsGM on March 16, 2005, 04:31:36 PM
Oh, ok, So I have the 4th, 7th, 14th and 24th picks.