Title: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: MavsGM on October 02, 2006, 12:56:19 PM Mavs trade: Caleb Anderson and Purvis Short
Nuggets trade: Jeremy Palacio and 2019 Nuggets first. Mavs Agreed. Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: WizardsGM on October 02, 2006, 01:12:17 PM Mavs trade: Caleb Anderson and Purvis Short Nuggets trade: Jeremy Palacio and 2019 Nuggets first. Mavs Agreed. I accept. 2019 is far enough away that I hope to be a playoff team by then. This gives me a nice young starting SF with more promise while not killing my cap room for the offseason. If I choose to do so, I think Anderson will be much cheaper to keep around than Polacio. Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: WizardsGM on October 02, 2006, 01:20:58 PM Almost 10min and I havent been flamed for this yet, you guys are slacking :lol:
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: KingsGM-old on October 02, 2006, 01:30:22 PM Short is good, but it depends on that pick and what will you do in that period.
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: MavsGM on October 02, 2006, 01:44:16 PM Short is a good scorer that's about it. He didn't improve his C+ defense in two TC so I don't think he will be more than a B defender. I like Palacio's overall game a lot.
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: MavsGM on October 02, 2006, 04:45:25 PM I think I might try Jeremy Palacio at PG sometime this season. He has great size for a pg and with good ball handling too. Can you say the next Magic?
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: CelticsGM on October 02, 2006, 04:57:57 PM Almost 10min and I havent been flamed for this yet, you guys are slacking :lol: sorry, i was offline ... :lol2: First Anderson: if you have career highs of 12/10 in your 5th season at age 26 does that mean you're a bust? Or that you haven't gotten any chance yet? we'll find out soon. Second "ever-nervous" Purvis: What he has done in 2 TCs is improve his offense. Could get impressive scorer, maybe he has a chance to become Melo II, maybe even with defense, who knows. Two TCs tell nothing so far and he only has started a single game yet. Third Palacio: you know what you get. Nice all-around player, capeable of 15ppg as starter and even plays some defense. Won't let anybody forget about Carmelo, on neither end of the floor. He's been around for a while, his 7th season, but despite being only 25 it's hard to see any potential left. At age 20 he already had ratings of C+ B+ B B D+ and hardly improved since. baseline: I believe that's a good deal for the Nuggets, looking at this years draft you are hard pressed to find a Purvis in the lower lottery range. So getting him and a nice backup just about gives them a bit more future 3 season earlier. for the Mavs i don't really get it. they break up the allstar lineup by dealing melo, get a great young big man, and then deal those young SFs who were Melo's backup - and had a lot of future promise - for some strange guy who looks like he shouldn't be starter on a contending team. This 2nd move was neither for today (going for a title) nor tomorrow ... :? Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: WizardsGM on October 02, 2006, 05:23:52 PM I think I have to go home and have a rye......the Celtics have said something positive about one of my trades for the first time ever. He probably even secretly ripped me for dealing him Robey for Roof. :cheers:
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: CelticsGM on October 02, 2006, 05:33:12 PM I think I have to go home and have a rye......the Celtics have said something positive about one of my trades for the first time ever. He probably even secretly ripped me for dealing him Robey for Roof. :cheers: i'm not allowed to comment garbade deals anymore I was told. so let's call it a draw. (though i'm disappointed he still get's zero minutes on your your tryout team, you should really go starting him over Brand, can't do much worse ...) btw, you got rye at home. i'll be right there ... :cheers: Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: MavsGM on October 02, 2006, 05:33:40 PM Quote for the Mavs i don't really get it. they break up the allstar lineup by dealing melo, get a great young big man, and then deal those young SFs who were Melo's backup - and had a lot of future promise - for some strange guy who looks like he shouldn't be starter on a contending team. This 2nd move was neither for today (going for a title) nor tomorrow ... I want more balance for my team. Palacio is a good all around player and that's what you want from a SF position. As for Anderson, he is a good defender but won't put up many points. Short for now is only a scorer nothing else.Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: WizardsGM on October 02, 2006, 05:55:06 PM Scoring is what I need, I am getting under 90 per game and Polacio was doing nothing as 2nd option and 3rd option
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: CelticsGM on October 02, 2006, 06:57:27 PM I want more balance for my team. Palacio is a good all around player and that's what you want from a SF position. As for Anderson, he is a good defender but won't put up many points. Short for now is only a scorer nothing else. Who knows.Players starting behave completely different sometimes than coming from the bench. And neither Anderson nor Short got a chance to start. So C+ defense can mean a lot, also that he's a better drive or perimeter defender than Carmelo (who was miles away from being a good defender despite B+) (actually I believe Short might hav had one start at SG, since LeBron missed a game, but without boxscores that's hard to find out how he did) Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: MavsGM on October 02, 2006, 07:13:39 PM Yea, I think he scored 20+ points on good FG% but not much else.
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: MavsGM on October 02, 2006, 07:15:24 PM It was 19.
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: PacersGM on October 03, 2006, 12:56:40 AM i disagree with celtics here :lol:. short and palacio may be pretty even here. for the mavs i like palacio way more than short since they donĀ“t need another scorer. but the overblow was giving up another first. even in the weak west nuggets will have troubles to get out of the lotto in 2 seasons. imo mavs are doing a nice job trading for equal or better overall talent while also getting first rounders.
Title: Re: Mavs/Nuggets Post by: CelticsGM on October 03, 2006, 04:44:22 AM only Palacio looks on his way DOWN career-wise while Short should go UP for a few more seasons.
Sure the Nuggets will be lottery (as it looks now), this team is still a few perfect TCs and FA periods away from making noise out West, but let me repeat it, unless they get a top 5 pick, not only is Short better NOW he also will have 3 MORE TCs until that pick is even made. The Nuggets win at least 3 seasons here. But i agree, Palacio (the present) for Short (the future) without any picks would have looked better for a team with as many needs as the Nuggets ... :tup: |