Title: Picks 21-29 of the second round Post by: NetsGM on September 16, 2006, 01:25:24 AM 2016 170 Jazz Draft PF Darren Alston with pick #21 of round 2.
2016 170 Trailblazers Draft C Andrew Wright with pick #22 of round 2. 2016 170 Suns Draft SF Ben Schenk with pick #23 of round 2. 2016 170 Heat Draft PG Jackson DeWolf with pick #24 of round 2. 2016 170 76ers Draft PF Blake Taylor with pick #25 of round 2. 2016 170 Pacers Draft SG Emmanuel Schwartz with pick #26 of round 2. 2016 170 Mavericks Draft PG Joshua Downey with pick #27 of round 2. 2016 170 Raptors Draft PG Stan Mills with pick #28 of round 2. 2016 170 Hornets Draft PG Russell Pettit with pick #29 of round 2. Title: Re: Picks 21-29 of the second round Post by: BlazersGM on September 16, 2006, 06:49:53 AM nice :)