Title: Tanking/Check-In Rules Updated Post by: NetsGM on August 28, 2006, 11:06:58 AM Tanking Rules (http://kb.ssbabasketball.com/wiki/Tanking_%28Rules%29)
* 4 depth charts labelled as "tanks" in a season will give us the option to replace you in the league if we decide to. * The accumulation of 2 tanking DC's in a full season or one tanking DC in the last 2 sims (Sim 11 and 12) can lead to the forfeiture of your first round pick, in the same manner as going over the hard cap. * If one of the last 2 regular season DC's (Sim 11 and Sim 12) are considered tanking, those can carry over to the next season. Meaning, if it's determined you have tanked Sim 12, and you get 3 DC's marked as tanking the following year, that can qualify as the 4 total needed. Check-In (Abandonment) (http://kb.ssbabasketball.com/wiki/GM_Check-In_%28Rules%29) Failure to reply to 4 consecutive check-in threads will prompt me to send you an e-mail. You will then be given a week to respond to this e-mail. Failure to respond to this e-mail will leave me with the decision on whether or not you should be replaced. At this point it is my discretion (before these missed check-ins and e-mail, it's not an option). If you miss more than 1/2 of the Check-In's in a season (6 missed sims of the 12 sim regular season), I have the option to replace you as GM, regardless of if you respond to the e-mail. The decision will be based upon your reason for missing the sims and past history in the league. The missed DC's can also be marked as tanking (aka, abandoning your team to intentionally lose games) Title: Re: Tanking/Check-In Rules Updated Post by: GrizzliesGM on August 28, 2006, 12:26:48 PM Those are great rules that will only make the league better. Thanks for taking the time to come up with those.
Title: Re: Tanking/Check-In Rules Updated Post by: HawksGM on August 28, 2006, 02:38:09 PM I'm sorry for my tanking of sim 12 guys. It hurts the league when a close to .500 team prior to sim 12, tanks because he has no chance at the playoffs. I apologize to you all for my judgement. Lenny Smith did average 15 a game though.