Title: Kings Won A Title In One Other League! Post by: KingsGM-old on August 27, 2006, 03:50:07 PM Yeah baby! Finally a title! My Raptors smoked the Spurs 4-1 in the Finals. Spurs won something like 65 games and have Michael Jordan (37ppg) and Charles Barkley. It's a retro league and i like it. People are way overated, no weak drafts. :)
Here's the link if anyone is interested; http://simalliancebasketball.atspace.com/ Playoff link; http://www.mma-tv.net/sab/. Beat the Pistons in CF, the craziest series i've ever seen. Pistons had Joe Dumars, Len Bias, Dominique Wilkins, Cadillac Anderson and Patrick Ewing. I was given the Raptors 4 years ago and they were the worst team in the league. Now i have lineup of Kevin Johnson, Scottie Pippen, Kevin Mchale, Otis Thorpe (who's a 25 and 10 beast) and Roy Tarpley. The league is overwhelmed by talent, i like it. :) Chaaaaaaaaaamp!!!! :cheers: Title: Re: Kings Won A Title In One Other League! Post by: PacersGM on August 28, 2006, 01:29:20 AM congratulation finally ivan found someone he can beat :lol2:
well done. Title: Re: Kings Won A Title In One Other League! Post by: KingsGM-old on August 28, 2006, 07:32:15 AM Yeah yeah yeah...
Title: Re: Kings Won A Title In One Other League! Post by: CelticsGM on August 28, 2006, 11:56:05 AM The ratings in this league are a joke.
Thats why i don't like retro leagues, just look at the draft preview: 17 ROOKIES coming with A or A- defense (including LUUUUUUUUC Longley, probably the worst defensive big man of any championship teams ever). Basically all guys are coming in with ratings of their 3rd to 5th season in the NBA. Crazy. but then again, you have to win such joke leagues too. Congratulations ... :cheers: Title: Re: Kings Won A Title In One Other League! Post by: KingsGM-old on August 28, 2006, 12:58:41 PM Why jokes? The competition is the same. You have overated people but your opponets have the same. It all comes to a same thing.
But at least they haven't acussed me of tanking in my first season. :) |