Title: Cavs/Nets Trade Post by: CavsGM on August 23, 2006, 10:39:07 AM Part 1
Leandro Barbosa Michael O'Neil Blazers 2016 1st round pick Raptors 2017 1st round pick $400 for Andre Stocker NetsGM will say which player he'll cut... Part 2 Stephan Sylvester for Josh Howard Wolves 2016 2nd round pick Title: Re: Cavs/Nets Trade Post by: NetsGM on August 23, 2006, 04:37:08 PM Part 1 Nets accept and finally start to remould the roster.Leandro Barbosa Michael O'Neil Blazers 2016 1st round pick Raptors 2017 1st round pick $400 for Andre Stocker NetsGM will say which player he'll cut... Part 2 Stephan Sylvester for Josh Howard Wolves 2016 2nd round pick I don't mind mining through the third sixth of the draft to uncover talent, and the cash comes in handy. O'Neil has a potentially bright future, and could conceivably start for me next year depending on wht happens with some of my other FA's. I like Sylvester as a combo forward, and think his D/REB will help in a starting role. Stocker is clearly the best player in the deal ATM, but he was my also my least desirable long-term contract who I can most easily come close to replacuing with existing players. Title: Re: Cavs/Nets Trade Post by: CavsGM on August 23, 2006, 06:00:59 PM My frontcourt is pretty damn good now with three great big men. Just one last trade and my team will be set...
Title: Re: Cavs/Nets Trade Post by: NetsGM on August 23, 2006, 07:02:10 PM Stocker was overpaid, but I'm not sure I'd take one of the bigger busts and a pair of low first orund picks for him.