Title: Nuggets Deadline Block (Odom et al) Post by: WizardsGM on August 20, 2006, 03:53:11 PM C/PF Mike Sweetney: 9.0ppg 8.8reb; 2yr contract
- looking for young centre 25 or under, or expiring contract - must be traded by himself PF/SF Lamar Odom: 15.1ppg 8.4reb; $20mil exp contract - will not take on longer contracts of veteran players - looking for youth at the C/PF positions, other expirings or 1st round picks PF/C Joseph Costello: 6.0ppg 7.3reb; small expiring - looking for a younger player of the same capabilities, could throw in a 2nd round pick SF Luke Jackson: 10.8ppg in 26.2min; $17mil exp contract - will not take on longer contracts of veteran players - looking for youth at any position (preferably big) and 1st round picks; could toss in 2nd round picks SG/PG Scott Provost: $2.6mil exp contract; 6/3/3 bench player - could use as a throw in for a trade - could include 2nd round picks to get a 1st rounder back PM all offers Title: Re: Nuggets Deadline Block Post by: WizardsGM on August 20, 2006, 10:15:04 PM Could also use some cash
Willing to listen to any offers, dont be shy Title: Re: Nuggets Deadline Block (Odom et al) Post by: WizardsGM on August 23, 2006, 10:35:52 AM figured Odom would have some interest.....