Title: Suns/Warriors Post by: SunsGM on August 10, 2006, 10:08:54 PM To GSW:
Charles Taylor Ron Brewer QRichardson To Phx: Don Ruffin Title: Re: Suns/Warriors Post by: GoldenStateGM on August 11, 2006, 08:23:39 AM To GSW: Charles Taylor Ron Brewer QRichardson To Phx: Don Ruffin Warriors agree... And cut Preston Barbosa to make the roster spots work... Why? Ruffin has been on the block for two years now, and this is the best offer I have received (despite what some other people are complaining about) Ron Brewer has the ability to be a pretty decent SG, if his potential holds true. And the additional expirings will help in my upcoming rebuilding process. Title: Re: Suns/Warriors Post by: CelticsGM on August 11, 2006, 10:22:00 AM and the chances that the Warriors can resign Brewer after his 2nd rounder contract is up are TWO percent. Either they don't resign anybody until then or he accepts their 500k qualifying offer.
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