Title: Josh Chilldress Post by: RaptorsGM on August 08, 2006, 10:45:25 AM I'm thinking that in the midst of his career year, this may be the best time to deal Chills.
I may have my future SG in Evans. Chills is having an amazing year: 17.4ppg, 8.7rpg, 2.6apg, 2.0spg, 44.3% FG, 41.0% 3 PT Chills is obviously playing the SG position, and can just as easily play SF. Chills is 30, 6'8, 210. He is signed to a great contract, 3 years, 33.1 million. What would I be looking for? I'm going to need a long term solution at SF. I'm looking to build up draft picks that have a chance of being low. I'm looking for young talent across the board. Interested? PM me Title: Re: Josh Chilldress Post by: RaptorsGM on August 10, 2006, 11:17:42 AM Nothing? I tried to leave it pretty ambigous as to waht I wanted back to make sure I got some offers.
Title: Re: Josh Chilldress Post by: BucksGM on August 10, 2006, 04:20:33 PM ^ Chills could be your long term answer at SF =)
Title: Re: Josh Chilldress Post by: RaptorsGM on August 10, 2006, 11:20:55 PM Not at 30. I'm looking for a player in the 25 range
Title: Re: Josh Chilldress Post by: CelticsGM on August 11, 2006, 01:17:09 AM Not at 30. I'm looking for a player in the 25 range Well, maybe Dirk. He's not in the 25 range but maybe you settle for 20 as well (mio that is) ... |