Title: Kings and Celtics Post by: CelticsGM on July 18, 2006, 12:13:42 PM Kings give
Dirk Celtics give Shard Lewis Gary Rivero $450 GM points future considerations Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: BlazersGM on July 18, 2006, 12:18:43 PM damn, that was fast grrrrrrr, hope your rebuilding process fails :P
Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: KingsGM-old on July 18, 2006, 12:21:21 PM damn, that was fast grrrrrrr, hope your rebuilding process fails :P He doesn't even know how lucky he was. I was just starting to type our deal and he posted this one. Lucky bastard. But so be it, getting rid of sallaries is my top priority anyway. Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: MavsGM on July 18, 2006, 12:59:50 PM Son of a #&*%@. You keep saying expirings and first round pick for you players and now you got no pick but future considerations. :moon:
Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: CelticsGM on July 18, 2006, 01:32:03 PM damn, that was fast grrrrrrr, hope your rebuilding process fails :P fast? FAST? FAST ? F A S T ?!?!?! that deal took about 6 season to get completed, probably as long as i know Ivan. That's how long it took me to get a superstar from him. (so if you plan to pry the superstar away from him he will pick in the 2017 draft before that retires, better start negotiating now ... :hail: And all I got from this age-long project is a 35yr old guy on the verge of retiring with a 110mio contract. Guess I better win now ... :cheers: Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: KingsGM-old on July 18, 2006, 02:38:39 PM Yeah, you deserved it. I told you if i ever give any of my bigs, it will be you. You've been killin me about Mcgrady since the first time i met you, and you haven't stoped since then. So there you go, enjoy it...
Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on July 18, 2006, 02:52:22 PM And I have been asking about McGrady since around 2007... I just wish I knew I was getting McGrady before I gave away Schmaltz... More than likely McGrady will be on the move again...
Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: BlazersGM on July 18, 2006, 06:35:36 PM damn, that was fast grrrrrrr, hope your rebuilding process fails :P fast? FAST? FAST ? F A S T ?!?!?! that deal took about 6 season to get completed, probably as long as i know Ivan. That's how long it took me to get a superstar from him. (so if you plan to pry the superstar away from him he will pick in the 2017 draft before that retires, better start negotiating now ... :hail: And all I got from this age-long project is a 35yr old guy on the verge of retiring with a 110mio contract. Guess I better win now ... :cheers: damn, that was fast grrrrrrr, hope your rebuilding process fails :P fast? FAST? FAST ? F A S T ?!?!?! that deal took about 6 season to get completed, probably as long as i know Ivan. That's how long it took me to get a superstar from him. (so if you plan to pry the superstar away from him he will pick in the 2017 draft before that retires, better start negotiating now ... :hail: And all I got from this age-long project is a 35yr old guy on the verge of retiring with a 110mio contract. Guess I better win now ... :cheers: I ment fast, because i just sent Kings an offer, he responded about what he wants and while i was typing back that i'll give him that he already posted a deal....it all happened in 3-4 minutes, thats why i said damn that fast. ....and Kings.....if you want expirings, picks....its still off-season, you could taste the market a bit more....but well...i sent you another offer. Title: Re: Kings and Celtics Post by: HeatGM on July 18, 2006, 07:01:31 PM wow...this is a give a way for the celtics...