Title: Sim Time Changed - VERY IMPORTANT Post by: NetsGM on July 01, 2006, 04:07:28 PM Beginning Sunday, July 2nd my work schedule is changing to where I'm working 3-midnight. I'm not going to feel like sim'ing at 1 am when I get home from work. So sim's will be done during the day, most likely sometime between 10 am and 2 pm GMT-5. So whereas the deadline to get dc's and changes in was 5 PM before, it will be midnight of the previous day now (i.e. for a tuesday sim, get things in by midnight monday night). That doesn't mean I won't accept things after midnight, just that it's not guaranteed after midnight. This is true for the Tuesday, July 4th sim onward.
Title: Re: Sim Time Changed - VERY IMPORTANT Post by: NetsGM on July 01, 2006, 11:08:38 PM Guys,
This will begin with the FA decisions. I will be running the playoffs during the night listed on the calendar (probably very late, like 1 am). Then beginning with the FA decisions I will run them during the day. I'm doing this to make sure nobody misses a playoff DC. Title: Re: Sim Time Changed - VERY IMPORTANT Post by: NetsGM on July 08, 2006, 04:30:15 PM I have decided to simplify things. The deadline to make submissions will be on midnight of the day listed on the scheduled. The schedule will then be run the following morning. So if it says June 9th on the schedule, get your stuff in by midnight june 9th, and the actual sim will be run the morning of june 10th.