Title: New KnicksGM! Post by: NetsGM on June 08, 2006, 08:48:01 PM MavsGM from over at DJSL has joined us and is taking over the Knicks. Good luck.
Title: Re: New KnicksGM! Post by: KnicksGM-old2 on June 08, 2006, 10:49:00 PM Hey! I am a extremely active GM. I joined this league for a fun, Hopefully active league. And I also want to restore my sim league "Reputation" Because I am the only Gm to Have Dirk/Kobe/LeBron on the same Team, and still be complete crap. Best of luck! I see this Knicks team has many holes. I love a rebuilding job.
Title: Re: New KnicksGM! Post by: CelticsGM on June 09, 2006, 02:51:13 AM Welcome, man. And good luck.
But don't get the losing break you, as there will be lot's of L's waiting for now. But contrary to what I said over there in DJSL, you have the excuses here ... :cheers: {btw, i'm the magical commissioner in djsl} Title: Re: New KnicksGM! Post by: KnicksGM-old2 on June 09, 2006, 08:05:55 AM Welcome, man. And good luck. But don't get the losing break you, as there will be lot's of L's waiting for now. But contrary to what I said over there in DJSL, you have the excuses here ... :cheers: {btw, i'm the magical commissioner in djsl} LOL This team has never been to the Playoffs. Wow I got a tough Job, But ill get them in :tup: Title: Re: New KnicksGM! Post by: BlazersGM on June 09, 2006, 08:28:36 AM welcome Mavs :cheers:
Title: Re: New KnicksGM! Post by: JazzGM-old on June 11, 2006, 01:27:50 PM good luck turning around the knicks, you'll need it