Title: Kirilenko, for real this time Post by: JazzGM-old on June 03, 2006, 04:37:47 PM I've decided that I'm going to rebuild. I could possibly eke out another playoff appearance, but i'm just delaying the inevitable, Kirilenko has had a glorious career with the Jazz, but he deserves the chance to compete at a higher level in his prime. I'm looking for a collection of 1st round picks, and a decent player, perhaps an aged star with a large contract etc to hold me over or preferably a rising power forward or center...just as long as it matches Kirilenko's contract. 1st round Picks are the most important, i'd like to cash in on this upcoming draft if i could and hold on to my own 2015 pick. To make offers easier, I may be able to throw in the likes of Curran or Hamilton, or something else who knows, but it depends on the talent being offered. I have a baseline offer from another team that I will most likely accept if it can't be beat, so Kirilenko is going to someone, either way he will not be on the jazz by the trade deadline....so PM me your offers.
Title: Re: Kirilenko, for real this time Post by: NetsGM on June 04, 2006, 10:47:28 AM Erm....
You can have all of my 1st round picks! Keep in mind I plan on rebuilding (hardcore) if I win a championship this year. Title: Re: Kirilenko, for real this time Post by: KingsGM-old on June 04, 2006, 11:09:22 AM No! Don't listen to him, that's a lie! :)
Anyway Kings could aquire this fine rifle gun? |