Title: "ok, you morons, TWO SUPERSTARS and a lotto 1st, you deserve it for letting me w Post by: HeatGM on May 23, 2006, 01:18:37 AM "ok, you morons, TWO SUPERSTARS and a lotto 1st, you deserve it for letting me wait that long"
:tup: Title: Re: "ok, you morons, TWO SUPERSTARS and a lotto 1st, you deserve it for letting me w Post by: CelticsGM on May 23, 2006, 01:40:14 AM Yao & Dirk ?
oops, not too old you said. back to the drawinf board then ... Title: Re: "ok, you morons, TWO SUPERSTARS and a lotto 1st, you deserve it for letting me w Post by: SixersGM on May 23, 2006, 01:42:11 AM please pardon my friend.
im interested in keogan. I got A LOT of things a rebuilding team needs. (i.e young guys, lotto picks, and cap room) PM me an offer S i x e r s G M |