Title: Chauncey Billups Post by: CelticsGM on May 20, 2006, 03:31:27 PM can go for a future 1st (and some expiring if you can't take on his salary)
He's a 7.7 mio expiring, will retire next year ... and may just be the best backup PG in this league now that Earl Boykins has retired. He can do it all, score, defend and does take care of the rock. So any team close to the top or on quest for the playoffs, Chauncey will bring more to the table than ANY PG you find in these drafts ... this could work on a first come, first serve base so hurry up ! :cheers: Title: Re: Chauncey Billups Post by: PacersGM on May 20, 2006, 04:10:38 PM how about mercer or rocky the best backups here. you can have mercer if you add a first :lol:.
Title: Re: Chauncey Billups Post by: CelticsGM on May 20, 2006, 04:29:56 PM how about mercer or rocky the best backups here. you can have mercer if you add a first :lol:. As long as Mercer the backup averages more giveaways then Billups the starter I am not too worried about the comparison. And Rocky is a starter (or, better said, he starts for you), last i checked your boxscores ...;-) Title: Re: Chauncey Billups Post by: NetsGM on May 20, 2006, 04:40:18 PM Maybe yo uweren't paying attention, but he just grabbed English (the PG, not the language)
Title: Re: Chauncey Billups Post by: CelticsGM on May 20, 2006, 04:49:56 PM oh, i now realize it's THAT English. I thought he got Tanner and an Engliish filler (didn't we have a Carlos English here earlier) since he gave virtually nothing in return. Wow, now that makes them serious contender then.
:hail: Guess I better not tell my guys, they might stampede and never be seen again ... |