Title: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: HawksGM on April 24, 2006, 07:26:38 PM Hawks Trade:
Heat 2015 1st Suns Trade: 100 points Hawks agree Title: Re: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: SunsGM on April 24, 2006, 07:28:40 PM I also agree
Title: Re: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: BlazersGM on April 24, 2006, 07:37:29 PM wow
Title: Re: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: CelticsGM on April 24, 2006, 07:46:06 PM omg, what a steal for the Hawks.
The pick will no way be better than 20-25 as the Heat are a young team on the rise. And 100 points is about half of what you can earn for a season. Urgh ... :bash: Title: Re: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: SunsGM on April 24, 2006, 08:07:20 PM omg, what a steal for the Hawks. The pick will no way be better than 20-25 as the Heat are a young team on the rise. And 100 points is about half of what you can earn for a season. Urgh ... :bash: How exactly is this a steal? The points that i gave up, i'll be earning right back by winning 5 more games than i did last season, and making the playoffs this season, when i dident last season. Yes giving up 100 points is a risk, but its very very low on the risk meter. we never know what happens in this league. what if schultz dosent resign, or Keogan gets hurt? maybe the pick has a chance to be good. I know that that's unlikely, but getting a first round pick for 100 points Hardly seems like a franchise changing deal, like youre making it out to be. I think you all know how much you hate the draft, but I think youre over stating the situation a little bit. Title: Re: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: CelticsGM on April 24, 2006, 08:10:24 PM agreed. The pick is in 2 years and a lot can happen.
But right now i see picks below 15 as a burden and little else ... Title: Re: Hawks/Suns Trade Post by: HawksGM on April 24, 2006, 09:02:59 PM i think it's fairly even, I just need the points so I can make a more educated guess on my most targeted player instead of getting somebody like Tanner whose potential is way off.