Title: Phoenix Post by: SunsGM on February 25, 2005, 03:26:43 PM Well, my season, hasent quite gone as i expected.
I'm looking to reload, not necessarily rebuild. My First round pick this year(around 4th or so this year,so far) is available for a good big man. Amare Stoudemire, could also possibly be moved, but only if he brings a player or equal talent. Nash,Marion,QRich, and Howard Eisley are also moveable, but note that none of these players will be moved for an offer that dosent help my team. Iknow that my team isent very good right now, but it dosent mean i'm going to dump players for cheap, or blow my team up. so if you have any interest in any players, reach me via pm, or on aim AIM-bullzeye212000 thanks, Suns GM :D Title: Phoenix Post by: CavsGM on February 25, 2005, 03:31:13 PM Anything you're looking for specifically?
Title: Phoenix Post by: SunsGM on February 25, 2005, 03:51:09 PM Quote from: CavsGM Anything you're looking for specifically? like the above post said, i'm looking for big men for the pick. the other players, i'd need a replacement at that position, and maybe an upgrade at sg or c. |