Title: The "BRAND" auction Post by: CelticsGM on March 30, 2006, 09:30:10 AM dear fellow GMs, since my decision to give away Brand (and thus keep his 5 bird years intact) caused some bad feelings around here, i will use the time until a decision is made (if my move won't be allowed) to
OFFER BRAND TO EVERYONE. Best offer wins. Prerequisite: I need an open roster spot after the deal, and if it means cutting an (expiring) guy i receive thats ok. To get you an idea what to offer: late 2nd rounders are no return value, these are a return burden. Cost money, bring nothing. I don't look to move other players in the deal unless it increases my talent level. My expirings can't be dealt before day 51 and thus are out here (sincs THIS deal needs to be done immediately) Only PMs, please, this is a secret auction, and it keeps people from overpaying. Title: The "BRAND" auction Post by: CelticsGM on March 30, 2006, 09:35:15 AM And what IS that Brand guy?
C Quentin Brand, former high school all american. Came into the league WAY too early and it took him 5 seasons to even get decent. Defense is his speciality and he brings not much else, so don't expect too much now. Average rebounding, little scoring, even less passing, a few blocks, shaq-like FT% but not shaq-like fg% and thats it. Sure, he's just 23 despite being in his 6th season soon, so I guess it's save to say the sky's the limit for him. And i nearly forgot his biggest asset: SIZE. 7'3" don't lie.And at 242 lb he's mobile enough to earn that B+ defensive rating! 8) Title: The "BRAND" auction Post by: KingsGM-old on March 30, 2006, 10:42:19 AM What? You're crazy or something?