Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: Keith on February 23, 2005, 05:14:01 PM Wolves:
Lynch Wizards 2006 1st pick Raptors: Rafer Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:27:40 PM Agreed.
Get another first rounder, which gives me 3 overall, 2 lottery. I'm looking to get my starting Pg in the draft. Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: NetsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:31:29 PM probably a good trade both ways.
It all depends on where the pick ultimately falls. If the Wiz make the playoffs and the pick is 18-20, I don't think Wolves would have gotten a better player than rafer. I really only see 2 pg prospects in the draft that should be better than rafer, and one's a midget. Then again, rafer is a free agent. Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:35:27 PM Exactly, a FA with a play for winner rating of 73. And a greed rating of 76. Doesn't fit my future plans.
Will this pick land me a PG? No, probably not. But I have my own and the Lakers picks, both lottery, that should land me a PG. Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: NetsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:37:16 PM Yeah, the Lakers pick should do fine for that.
It's sad that the best pg in this draft, by far, makes earl boykins look like a giant :( Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: CavsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:38:13 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM Agreed. Get another first rounder, which gives me 3 overall, 2 lottery. I'm looking to get my starting Pg in the draft. Not if I get there first. Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:38:43 PM I think the best PG in this draft is 6'1.
Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:39:57 PM Quote from: CavsGM Quote from: RaptorsGM Agreed. Get another first rounder, which gives me 3 overall, 2 lottery. I'm looking to get my starting Pg in the draft. Not if I get there first. We'll see. Notice how I just move Vince to PG after this deal. I could lose ALOT of games. I also have Keon Clark as my starting PF. Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: MavsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:43:32 PM Why don't just put Carter on a Mavs' uniform. :D
Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:45:35 PM Quote from: MavsGM Why don't just put Carter on a Mavs' uniform. :D you'd have to put Dirk in a Raptors uni first. :) But I'm certainly not above trading Vince. Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: CavsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:45:52 PM I'm not gonna tank. Actually, it's not a good sign if my team does poorly this 2nd half of the season, because this is a good part of what my team next season is going to be. So I'm having a tough decision to make here.
Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: MavsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:46:59 PM Sure, I will try to put Dirt on raptors' uniform next sim. :lol:
Title: Wolves - Raptors trade - processed Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 05:48:16 PM Quote from: CavsGM I'm not gonna tank. Actually, it's not a good sign if my team does poorly this 2nd half of the season, because this is a good part of what my team next season is going to be. So I'm having a tough decision to make here. I'm not tanking either. Vince has a B- handle, which well serve me better than Alvin Wiliiams or Milt Palacio. |