Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 20, 2006, 06:59:26 PM Blazers send
Buehler Cunningham Bosh 2014 1st Raptors send Gasol R.Walker i agree Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 20, 2006, 07:01:14 PM If salary doesnt work (to me it does, to him it doesnt)...add Mendez to the deal.
Title: Re: Blazers / Raptors FIXED Post by: RaptorsGM on February 20, 2006, 07:15:35 PM Quote from: BlazersGM Blazers send Buehler Cunningham Bosh 2014 1st Raptors send Gasol R.Walker i agree Call me crazy, but I agree. I'm going to cut Borchadt. Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 20, 2006, 07:18:07 PM As Blazers said, please add Mendez to the deal if it doesn't work (which I don't think it does, but he does think so).
And to clarify, that is the Blazer's 2014 first. Now, all of you who think i'm crazy, raise your hand, and know that my hand is raised with you. Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 20, 2006, 07:19:59 PM Celtics think the opposite, that im crazy, and yeah, im crazy :lol:
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: KingsGM-old on February 20, 2006, 07:23:36 PM Then we're all one big crazy happy family
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 20, 2006, 07:24:27 PM Couldnt be more true :D
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: KingsGM-old on February 20, 2006, 07:25:13 PM What a explosion of the trades in the last minute of the deadline.
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 20, 2006, 07:25:34 PM I'm just not sure if I may have lost my mind. 4th best overall team making a major change?
But hey, if the Warriors' team has taught me anything, it's that you don't need scoring up front to be successful. This gives me so much depth everywhere, it's not even funny. Garcia goes from being a 6th man of the year candidate to not even in the rotation. Cummingham is a former 20-10 guy (well, close enough) Buehler is a perannial 2nd team all defense. Bosh has already had a solid career, and is still on 26. And here's hoping the draft is mighty deep next year, cause after the big Blazer trades today, I really like the looks of that pick. Title: Re: Blazers / Raptors FIXED Post by: NetsGM on February 20, 2006, 07:38:47 PM Quote from: BlazersGM Blazers send Buehler Cunningham Bosh 2014 1st Raptors send Gasol R.Walker i agree WE WERE JUST OVER THIS!!!! Quote 2012 41 Warriors Trade SF Andre Iguodala, PF Chris Bosh and one draft pick to the Trailblazers for PF Jackson Finley and SF John Mitchell Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 20, 2006, 08:19:10 PM Oh wow. I just crtl+F'd the transaction page and didn't think anyone's name came up. I'll see if we can rework the trade..if we can, is there time?
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 20, 2006, 08:20:46 PM Nvmind, there is no possible way.
Anyway, if it is allright with the Blazers, I'd like to just leave this trade here with a "waiting for the offseason" sticky beside it. Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 20, 2006, 08:41:14 PM Damn, when I did the crtl f thing, Bosh's name showed up BEHIND the pop up box, so I missed it.
Anyway, I PM'd the Blazers, and if he agrees to leave the trade as is and wait until the end of the season, that works for me. Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: PacersGM on February 21, 2006, 01:45:00 AM lol this is just insane...
first you read all the posts about bosh in the kings-heat-blazer trade and also posted that it isn´t going to work and afterwards you post the same fault... crazy both of you Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 21, 2006, 08:53:56 AM Actually, I didn't read those posts to closely, and never really saw Bosh's name come up in those trade talks.
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 21, 2006, 10:35:41 AM lol, my head was all blowned out yesterday, completely lost my mind, so many trades, doing it all in hurry, i forgot about Bosh like 5 times, my head is still not clear but its getting back i guess.
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 21, 2006, 02:52:06 PM So are we holding of until the offseason? yes?
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 21, 2006, 04:47:53 PM no need too, we can make the same deal later if ill want, i want to wait for the draft and FA first.
Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: RaptorsGM on February 21, 2006, 05:13:08 PM Yeah, that's what I didn't want to hear from you. I wanted a commitment now.
Ah well. Title: Blazers / Raptors FIXED - doesn't work Post by: BlazersGM on February 21, 2006, 05:19:20 PM Well have to take care for my guys 8)