The War Room => Trade Talk => Topic started by: SixersGM on February 23, 2005, 06:59:14 AM

Title: 6M expiring + 6M future expiring
Post by: SixersGM on February 23, 2005, 06:59:14 AM
Toni Kukoc (3M expiring)
18.1mpg 6.6ppg    4.5rpg    1.3apg
.430FG% .714FT% .5003P%

Mike James (3M expiring)
11.1ppg 4.2rpg    6.5apg    1.5apg

Aaron Mckie (6M expiring next year)
A- Outside B+ Defense
7.4ppg    4.7rpg    2.4apg    1.6spg

I could add..

Brian Skinner
B- inside A- Defense B rebounding B potential
12.9ppg 9.9rpg    1.4apg    1.3spg    1.1bpg


Malik Rose
B inside B- defense B rebounding
13.3ppg 8.1rpg    1.5apg    1.0spg    1.2bpg

I need a good frontcourt player in order to part one of my big guys.
I could also part one of them if i think the deal needs it to be fair.

Im looking for a semi-allstar to allstar type of guy for mckie-james-kukoc. I dont care how scary he's contract is.

Title: 6M expiring + 6M future expiring
Post by: RaptorsGM on February 23, 2005, 07:15:24 AM
If Skinner is involved, I could deal you Finley (semi-all star) or Bosh or Pavel.