Title: Young Guys for Sale Post by: CavsGM on February 08, 2006, 09:23:18 PM PG Antonio Seymore: A- outside shooting and A handles. Look at his stats from last season to see how he can contribute nicely as a backup PG.
SF/SG Gert Hornick: B inside scoring, C+ rebounding, and B potential. PF/C Reuben Andresen: C+ inside scoring and A- rebounding. PF Pat Mier: C+ inside scoring, B rebounding, and A potential. SF/PF Randy Molina: A- defense and B- rebounding. For all of these guys I'm pretty much just looking for expiring contracts and future picks. A couple guys can be traded together in a package. Let me know if you are interested. Title: Young Guys for Sale Post by: CavsGM on February 13, 2006, 03:43:56 PM Bump
Title: Young Guys for Sale Post by: CavsGM on February 16, 2006, 10:24:11 PM Molina is available for an expiring and any future first.