Title: Darius Perry and Roberto Dickau Post by: RaptorsGM on January 24, 2006, 10:41:06 AM I know have 3 PGs who are probably capable of starting in Max, Perry and Dench.
I don't need 3. Since I am high on Dench's defense off the bench, Perry seems the most logical to trade. If you are worried about big contracts, then he isn't for you, however, after this year's FA I don't know why anyone would ever worry about cap space again. I could use another young solid big man, someone that could play the 5 as well as the 4. I'm also interested in first rounders, though not much interested in picks in the 20s. If you need a PG, Perry can be your man. Send me an offer. EDIT: Now that I have seen Carmelo has B defense at SG, I'm looking to trade Dickau for a starting quality SG. I'm looking for a player comparable to Dickau, in the scoring, handling, defense and potential aspects. I can even combine Dickau and Perry in a trade. PM me. Title: Darius Perry and Roberto Dickau Post by: RaptorsGM on January 25, 2006, 01:57:22 PM Bump: Block edited to include Dickau.