Title: Yao Ming: A Different Approach Post by: RaptorsGM on January 09, 2006, 11:41:43 AM Basically, this last week or so I have been working on developing and fine tuning an elaborate rating system that gives each player and draft pick in this league a number. The higher the number, the better. My rating system factors in everything from awards won, to stats, to ratings, to importance to team, to prespective importance to my team.
Yao's rating is clearly tops in the league. Now, it's been 2 seasons since Yao has been officially "unavailable", and he is still on the market, so to speak. If someone can come in with an offer where the total rating succeeds Yao's rating, it's something I would defintely look at. A successful offer will more than likely include a PF and a SG, as well as various other youth and high or potentially high draft picks. Title: Yao Ming: A Different Approach Post by: RaptorsGM on January 15, 2006, 04:53:30 PM Well fellas, after a long stay in Raptorland, Yao Ming is on his way out.