Title: Double-double percentage Post by: OldNuggetsGM on December 19, 2005, 04:27:12 PM Berkowitz's last sim intrigued me. I know he's been great at generating double-doubles, and I thought his % (dub-dub's/total games played) was pretty good. So I took a sampling of other top big men to see how he stacked up.
I'll share the list I compiled with the rest of you (I looked mostly at the best big men on each team, and didn't include anyone whose threshold fell below 50%, except for two): Code: # player dubs game % The gap between 4th and 5th is pretty big, especially if you take Berkowitz out due to the small sample size. I was surprised J. O'Neal wasn't higher on the list. If there's anyone I overlooked that should be included (i.e. above 55%), let me know and I'll update this. Title: Double-double percentage Post by: SpursGM-old on December 19, 2005, 04:38:37 PM Chris Mihm...now with the Pistons.
319 dub-dubs in 506 games. 63.04% Title: Double-double percentage Post by: OldNuggetsGM on December 19, 2005, 04:53:47 PM Thanks. Here's the edited table:
Code: # Player Dubs G's Percentage edited to include Pau Gasol and take out KMart and Howard Title: Double-double percentage Post by: GoldenStateGM on December 19, 2005, 04:58:49 PM Quite depressing when none of your players are on the list :)
What is really scary is that in the last draft, you have another two players who will be averaging double double throughout their career (Stocker and Barner) Title: Double-double percentage Post by: OldNuggetsGM on December 19, 2005, 05:11:08 PM Yeah, I looked at Barner, and he's already at 22/31 (71%). Stocker checks in at 16/29 (55%). So Barner would be in 5th place if I included him; that's not bad at all for a rook. But I'm going to hold off on including anyone who doesn't have at least a year in the league.
One other thing: Dwight Howard would be a lot higher on this list if I was able to determine yearly stats. He's averaged a double-double the last three years, but since his ratings most likely weren't as good at the start of his career, he's unduly affected in a ranking like this. The same goes for other young bigs who've steadily gotten better as time goes by. Title: Double-double percentage Post by: SpursGM-old on December 19, 2005, 05:21:02 PM Another overlooked player....Gasol.
268 dub-dubs in 478 games. Title: Double-double percentage Post by: CelticsGM on December 19, 2005, 05:25:14 PM Guess Dwight is still ranked too high. Bye Bye from the top 20, my son:
Etan Thomas: 225 dd in 481 games = 47% Stromile Swift: 214 dd in 485 games = 44% Pau Gasol: 268 in 478 games = 56% had to get some Celts and ex-Celtics on here ... :D Title: Double-double percentage Post by: NetsGM on December 19, 2005, 05:49:21 PM Emeka!
career leader in double doubles :) Know what's amazing? Emeka has 5 POTW (week!). Pettit 4. Neither have ever won a POTM. Title: Double-double percentage Post by: JazzGM-old on December 19, 2005, 06:11:21 PM nobody in Jazz history has yet to earn a POTW or a POTM award, heck i hardly ever have people in the league leaders, but i do have 2 championships ;-)