Title: Everyone Must go *EDITED* Post by: SunsGM on December 19, 2005, 12:16:27 PM After winning a total of 30 games in the past year and a quarter, i'd decided to BLOW THE TEAM UP!!
This means everyone must go, Collison, Hoiberg,Manning,Sampson,Stojakovic(special preference to those who take Peja) etc. If you have any interest, let me know, I wont be giving Players away so please have some thought behind your offers. Any draft picks, expiring contracts and Young players are welcome. thanks for your consaideration, and i hope to hear some offers soon. EDIT: Sorry, i guess i dident realize how popular Gerstl and Hill are, I'm not quite ready to give up on them yet, and please Keep in mind that i'm not giving away players, so if the deal dosent help me in some facet(draft picks, young TALENTED players, Difference makers etc.) i probally wont make a deal. Thanks again |