Title: Jackson Finley Post by: BlazersGM on December 18, 2005, 11:14:27 AM Im looking for a PF/C guy only, one offer i have for a while (you know who you are so you dont need to send again), i want to see what else i can get, it needs to be at least a 6'11'' player who can play PF/C, Finley won't necessarily go as i'm very happy with him, but i could use a PF/C guy better "maybe".
No crappy offers like usual please. Jackson Finley PF 23 6'9'' 251 C B- D+ B+ A- B G24 27.2mpg, 4.8ppg, 9.8rpg, 1.0bpg, FG 45 %, FT 80 % I don't use him as an option (either of my front court), so he doesnt score much (altough on some teams he could), but he is excellent defender and rebounder, young and still with lots of room for improvement. Title: Jackson Finley Post by: CelticsGM on December 18, 2005, 11:24:06 AM :-)
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