Title: Pistons - Nets Trade - Day 41 Post by: NetsGM on December 15, 2005, 06:30:30 AM Pistons Trade:
Mike Dunleavy Aaron Booth Nets Trade Mike Miller Antwan Jamison Antonio Turkoglu Pistons cut: Reggie Evans I accept Title: Pistons - Nets Trade - Day 41 Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on December 15, 2005, 02:38:46 PM Pistons accept, and for the most part are done dealing...
Title: Pistons - Nets Trade - Day 41 Post by: NetsGM on December 15, 2005, 02:43:39 PM Why did I do this? Mike Dunleavy is the best player of the 3. Jamison dropped this past TC and hasn't been as effective. He's also become redundant with Drew Gooden. I wanted some ballhandling and perimeter game from my backup SF, and that's what I'm getting with Dunleavy.
It hurt to lose Turkoglu. If he blows up and goes to a B- B+ offensively with A- defensively, it's gonna hurt. I like his potential, his improvement up until this point and his age. But if it was either him or Darko, I had a more pressing need to retain Darko at this point. I know have, in my opinion, 8 starters on my team (starting 5 + gooden, dunleavy and lord). That's nice flexibility. Title: Pistons - Nets Trade - Day 41 Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on December 15, 2005, 03:29:51 PM After all of these trades, my team is actually looking a little better... I only have 3 players with less than a "B" rating... I'm just not too sure where I will get my scoring from...
Title: Pistons - Nets Trade - Day 41 Post by: GoldenStateGM on December 15, 2005, 04:35:49 PM Well, at lest the Nets did not pick up a 23 year old SF to replace Battier.
Dunleavy is a nice player, but he will not play much behind Battier. Great trade for the Nets. |