Title: Jamal Del Negro Post by: RaptorsGM on December 14, 2005, 01:32:12 PM I am set on trading him as he isn't getting the burn he deserves on this team. JDN is good for 15 and 5 when placed in the proper setting. With his B+ defense he is a legit starter, and a legit 2nd or 3rd option in this league.
Even this year his numbers would translate into a legit starter's numbers if given the minutes. He is an excellent free throw shooter. What am I looking for for JDN? Youth and picks. My two areas of need right now are big men (PF/C) and SG, but I will entertain all offers. Future picks are also welcome. I am pondering a few offers right now, but no one has hit a homer yet. Please PM me with all offers. |