Title: Mason Mercer Post by: BullsGM-old on December 10, 2005, 02:48:31 PM Fabrizio played amazing for me last season when Mercer was injured. Fab had a good TC, and I think it's his time to step it up this season.
Mercer improved his handles this TC and is the best scoring PG in the league. He also made the all defensive team last season and is guarenteed 2+ spg. He's also a great rebounder, 4.5 rpg which is pretty damn good for his height I'm not looking for anything specific, but preferably youth. If I had to pick a position of need, I'd say maybe the SF position. Mercer can be involved in a package of individually I know pretty much every team has a good PG now a days, but PM me if you're interested in Mercer EDIT: My position of need would be the SF not PF, my bad (my front court is already pretty much set Title: Mason Mercer Post by: CavsGM on December 10, 2005, 03:55:21 PM Wow, I see that he has 12 steals in a game before. Did he get a quadruple double?
Title: Mason Mercer Post by: BullsGM-old on December 10, 2005, 04:18:32 PM Quote from: CavsGM Wow, I see that he has 12 steals in a game before. Did he get a quadruple double? Yeah he has the record for steals in a game, although I believe he did not have a quad double that night Title: Mason Mercer Post by: HawksGM on December 11, 2005, 08:38:16 PM he's still on the block, not easy to get, but a SG and/or PF withe A defense will be needed.