Title: PG Elliott (& more) Post by: CelticsGM on November 08, 2005, 02:51:49 PM might seek a starting opportunity elsewhere, since Billups leaves no space for that right now.
One of his close buddies, SG Nat va Exel or SG Quincy Mihm, might join him to a new surrounding. Return value: offer. Solid defense is a must (B- is NO solid defense 95% of the time), offense and rebounding welcome. Swingman a possibility. The offer must make sense for me, as the #6 team in the league i don't plan on starting rebuilding or doing sidesteps. PM me with offers (and again, don't bother to don't post "PM'd" here, I still won't check this trade thread) Title: PG Elliott (& more) Post by: BlazersGM on November 08, 2005, 02:52:57 PM PM'd :lol: