Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 22, 2005, 10:07:55 PM Ok guys, you know what, I'm putting the best player in the SSBA on the block. There are 2 things you all need to know:
1. I won't trade Yao for the sake of trading Yao. 2. I won't hesitate to trade Yao if the trade helps my team. Since Yao is the best player in the league, he will only be traded in a package, since no one player is good enough to compensate my loss. Your package will probably include any or all of: A solid, solid big man, perferably a PF but can also be a C, must be younger than Yao. Also, a solid guard, better than the SG or PG I have now (Francis/Nash), and also younger than YAo (Yao is 28). Also, likely-lotto picks will probably be included. So don't hesitate to send an offer. Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 24, 2005, 10:13:48 AM I have had a long discussion with a GM< and I have decided that if he accepts my latest offer, I will be trading Yao.
This will probably suprise the hell out of some of you, but I really believe that I have an offer that improves my team. Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: NetsGM on October 24, 2005, 11:11:18 AM Raps says he won't trade with me because it doesn't matter how good he gets if the Nets to 82-0
lol. it sucks being on top (then choking at the end). (BTW, this post does NOT argue player value) Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 24, 2005, 11:16:10 AM Ha, well, there is no sense for anyone else to play if the Nets are guarenteed now, is there?
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: NetsGM on October 24, 2005, 11:18:42 AM Dude, I'm fully convinced you could give me Yao for Brad Miller and I'd still choke in the finals (after going 82-0 in the regular season and 12-0 in the playoffs preceeding that).
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 24, 2005, 11:21:39 AM Quote from: NetsGM Dude, I'm fully convinced you could give me Yao for Brad Miller and I'd still choke in the finals (after going 82-0 in the regular season and 12-0 in the playoffs preceeding that). Ha, I wouldn't doubt it. But with Yao/Sammy Emeka/Sammy Batier Petit Boykins You would probably need to play with 4 balls :) Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: CelticsGM on October 24, 2005, 11:25:47 AM Quote from: NetsGM Raps says he won't trade with me because it doesn't matter how good he gets if the Nets to 82-0 lol. it sucks being on top (then choking at the end). (BTW, this post does NOT argue player value) This post argues mentality of certain GMs instead. Some my call it greedy, some might call it atroucious to try to get better and better and better. But GMs of dominant teams even thinking of adding the single most dominant player to their already dominant team make the rest of us look like beggars picking up the crumbs while crawling ... you get the point. :lol: Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: KingsGM-old on October 24, 2005, 11:52:08 AM I don't care as long as you keep him out of the West.
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 24, 2005, 11:55:46 AM You trade me the Wizards first and I will comply with that.
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: KingsGM-old on October 24, 2005, 11:57:18 AM With the exception of Kings that is... :) Yeah sure, i can add Wiz first...
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: KingsGM-old on October 24, 2005, 01:46:05 PM You better don't sniff no where near Yao or i'll send some hacker to crash the entire board permanently!
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 24, 2005, 03:30:13 PM There we go with discussing player worth again.
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 27, 2005, 12:11:13 AM All Raptors are available, btw.
Title: Yao "MVP" Ming Post by: RaptorsGM on October 27, 2005, 10:19:23 PM I may be trading Hoffa, and therefore I am looking for a PF replacement. Willing to trade Nash or JDn to get one.
Please, if you have a PF that is a capable starter with solid stats/ratings, send an offer RIGHT AWAY. |