Title: Grizzlies Block(Many C/PF available) Post by: GrizzliesGM on October 21, 2005, 01:17:26 PM I need sg and sf mostly.
I am willing to move anyone but Jason Williams,Robertson and Wallace will also be tough to move. I just want some sg/sf depth for these guys -Nesterovic -Hunter -Eschmeyer Title: Grizzlies Block(Many C/PF available) Post by: KingsGM-old on October 21, 2005, 08:17:39 PM What would it take for Wallace?
Title: Grizzlies Block(Many C/PF available) Post by: Str8westcoasta on October 22, 2005, 05:50:57 AM I have Finley and Ellis available. PM me if you're interested