Title: Tonight's sim Post by: NetsGM on October 17, 2005, 09:01:33 AM Is gonna be very late. 1 am'ish. Class from 9-4 (I'm actually posting this from class), then work from 5-mdnight.
Title: Tonight's sim Post by: RaptorsGM on October 17, 2005, 09:03:05 AM Sweet.
I have a midtem to study for (on Wednesday). Now this will give me something to look forward to later on in the nght, AND it wont distract me in the middle of my studying. Title: Tonight's sim Post by: CelticsGM on October 17, 2005, 09:09:33 AM love that.
wake up in the morning, get some coffee, get the little one to Kindergarten and then check some sweet FA pickups. beats staying up till 4:30am, dead tired but unable to give up on waiting for the latest sim any day ... :lol: |