Title: Draft Salaries for picks 1-29
Post by: OldNuggetsGM on October 10, 2005, 03:29:56 PM
During the course of mapping out my future plans for free agency, I created the following chart, and figured that it would be helpful for everyone else too, so I'm posting it here. Nets, if you don't want to leave it here, perhaps you could add it to the rules page under the draft section. PICK YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 1 $2,888,256 $3,104,934 $3,321,514 $3,517,514 2 $2,830,491 $3,042,835 $3,255,084 $3,447,164 3 $2,773,881 $2,981,979 $3,189,982 $3,378,220 4 $2,718,403 $2,922,339 $3,126,182 $3,310,656 5 $2,664,035 $2,863,892 $3,063,659 $3,244,443 6 $2,610,755 $2,806,614 $3,002,386 $3,179,554 7 $2,558,540 $2,750,482 $2,942,338 $3,115,963 8 $2,507,369 $2,695,472 $2,883,491 $3,053,644 9 $2,457,221 $2,641,563 $2,825,821 $2,992,571 10 $2,408,077 $2,588,732 $2,769,305 $2,932,719 11 $2,359,915 $2,536,957 $2,713,919 $2,874,065 12 $2,312,717 $2,486,218 $2,659,640 $2,816,584 13 $2,266,463 $2,436,494 $2,606,448 $2,760,252 14 $2,221,134 $2,387,764 $2,554,319 $2,705,047 15 $2,176,711 $2,340,008 $2,503,232 $2,650,946 16 $2,133,177 $2,293,208 $2,453,168 $2,597,927 17 $2,090,513 $2,247,344 $2,404,104 $2,545,969 18 $2,048,703 $2,202,397 $2,356,022 $2,495,049 19 $2,007,729 $2,158,349 $2,308,902 $2,445,148 20 $1,967,574 $2,115,182 $2,262,724 $2,396,245 21 $1,928,223 $2,072,879 $2,217,469 $2,348,320 22 $1,889,658 $2,031,421 $2,173,120 $2,301,354 23 $1,851,865 $1,990,793 $2,129,657 $2,255,327 24 $1,814,828 $1,950,977 $2,087,064 $2,210,220 25 $1,778,531 $1,911,957 $2,045,323 $2,166,016 26 $1,742,961 $1,873,718 $2,004,417 $2,122,696 27 $1,708,101 $1,836,244 $1,964,328 $2,080,242 28 $1,673,939 $1,799,519 $1,925,042 $2,038,637 29 $1,640,461 $1,763,529 $1,886,541 $1,997,864
Title: Draft Salaries for picks 1-29
Post by: NetsGM on October 10, 2005, 03:34:52 PM
I didn't have years after the first round though, so thanks.