Title: With the 3rd Pick Post by: NetsGM on October 09, 2005, 11:15:45 PM The Blazers select:
Steven Buehler, PF, Florida Title: With the 3rd Pick Post by: NetsGM on October 09, 2005, 11:26:57 PM I love this kid. If he were 6'8" maybe the #1 pick in the draft. It'll be interesting to see if he's able to succeed at the 4 in the pro's, and if his defense maintains at the 3. Some speculated while he was in college that he had kirilenko type defensive capabilities.
Title: With the 3rd Pick Post by: BlazersGM on October 10, 2005, 12:00:55 AM it's a perfect sub for Berkowitz, altough i was hoping to get german monster and him, but who knows maybe this proves even better
Title: With the 3rd Pick Post by: CelticsGM on October 10, 2005, 03:31:27 AM 6'6"
Hmmmm ... I usually don't like SFs with D- ballhandling but the potential certainly is there. Expect 100 PGs to go next ... Title: With the 3rd Pick Post by: GoldenStateGM on October 10, 2005, 08:42:09 AM Not a fan of him.
Way undersized for the PF spot, and he is below average height for a SF. And those turnovers... Yuck, he may lead the league in to's next year. Would have like Ruiz better at this pick, but I am in the minority in that. Title: With the 3rd Pick Post by: RaptorsGM on October 10, 2005, 09:45:29 AM Wow, Blazers have their 4 spot sewn up for years to come.