Title: Pistons - Hawks Trade... Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on September 26, 2005, 02:06:46 PM Pistons Trade:
Drew Fox 2011 Cavs 2nd round pick Hawks Trade: Jamal Del Negro Pistons ACCEPT... Title: Pistons - Hawks Trade... Post by: HawksGM on September 26, 2005, 02:09:30 PM agreed....essentially they are the same player but Fox is younger and it will make another year for me to try and land some FA's with cap money because JDN will want paid fairly handsomely eating up my cap. With Fox I will have 4 picks and some an FA or 2 to add.
Title: Pistons - Hawks Trade... Post by: GoldenStateGM on September 26, 2005, 02:13:57 PM Trade works for both sides, imo.
Pistons get the player with better potential, while the Hawks get the younger player. They will both probably end up being very similar players. Title: Pistons - Hawks Trade... Post by: CelticsGM on September 27, 2005, 08:12:34 AM I like JDN a tad more since he already has proved his worth for the Nuggets and Hawks while Fox is a bit of an unknown commodity.
But this is about as fair a deal as there is possible. Title: Pistons - Hawks Trade... Post by: CelticsGM on September 27, 2005, 08:12:53 AM Quote from: CelticsGM I like JDN a tad more since he already has proved his worth for the Nuggets and Hawks while Fox is a bit of an unknown commodity. But this is about as fair & equal a deal as there is possible. |