The War Room => Trade Talk => Topic started by: ClippersGM-old on September 19, 2005, 10:29:50 AM

Title: Elton Brand
Post by: ClippersGM-old on September 19, 2005, 10:29:50 AM
Superstar PF anyone?

What would I look for?

- True PG... a very good one!
- PF and/or C.
- high lottery picks.

What could go in a package?

- Maggette
- Kwame
- picks

I will not make trades just to get rid of Elton!!!  :evil:

Title: Elton Brand
Post by: SixersGM on September 19, 2005, 11:05:40 AM
Wow out for 48 days..

Title: Elton Brand
Post by: RaptorsGM on September 19, 2005, 11:20:51 AM
Yeah, out for a large part of the season, then a FA.