Title: expiring contracts Post by: SunsGM on September 04, 2005, 01:33:51 AM I may have an expiring contract worth 10 million coming my way by the time FA is run tomorrow.
With the excitement over next off seasons FA class 10+ mil off the books may be very valuable. if youre interested, let me know, I'm posting this now so that if a team is interested there will be a fair amount of time for a deal to be made. I'm really looking to get better at either SF, or SG. but any and all offers will be entertained. Thanks! Title: expiring contracts Post by: SunsGM on September 05, 2005, 12:02:17 AM Ok, Ridinour is signed up, 10+million expiring contract, if anyone is interested, let me know we have until 11pm est I think to make a deal.
Once again, i'm looking for an upgrade at either sf or sg. but i'll listen to all offers. |