Title: Kelvin Cato and the 26th pick Post by: RaptorsGM on August 28, 2005, 01:29:31 PM Is available for an average PF/C with an expiring contract, and possibly a pick (depending on the skill of the PF/C).
Please PM me with any offers. Also, the 26th pick is available for a 2011 first rounder. Title: Kelvin Cato and the 26th pick Post by: SonicsGM on August 28, 2005, 05:16:22 PM Shawn Bradley??
Title: Kelvin Cato and the 26th pick Post by: RaptorsGM on August 28, 2005, 10:12:36 PM Quote from: SonicsGM Shawn Bradley?? Right now the roster pages are loading so I can't look at the guy's ratings, but I can already tell you it will probably have to include a future first. Title: Kelvin Cato and the 26th pick Post by: RaptorsGM on September 03, 2005, 01:39:29 PM Ok, Cato has played his last game in a Raptors uni.
I have a deal in place that sees me get a decent player (expiring contract) and a bad 2011 pick. I don't really care about the player I get back, so long as it's an expiring deal. But if someone can come through with a better pick, Cato is all theirs. Title: Kelvin Cato and the 26th pick Post by: RaptorsGM on September 03, 2005, 02:52:29 PM All right, Cato's gone.