Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on July 29, 2005, 07:46:30 PM The 60 day rule applies, but it's coming soon.
Cato is a starter on most teams, but stuck behind Yao and Mihm on mine, only getting 22 mins per game (still with very good numbers). If I trade him I would be looking for a smaller contracted post player with at least A- defense, expiring contracts to make up the rest of the contract, and a first round pick in the next 3 years. PM me with all offers. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on July 31, 2005, 12:02:30 PM Bump - I have an offer now that will be accepted without a better offer before Tuesday.
I reccomend that everyone watch Cato's performance against the Knicks without Yao in the lineup. As a starter this year, Cato has played 2 games with 7 pts, 15rebounds, 3 assists in one...and 11 points and 7 rebounds in the other. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on July 31, 2005, 11:39:27 PM In his start against the Knicks, Cato gets 7 points, 12 rebounds and 4 assists.
This is a guy that you want on your team. He wont score all that much, but he'll get you double digit rebounds, he's an excellent passer, and he'll block shots too. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 02, 2005, 12:21:00 AM Alright, serioussly Raps, no more mass pm's.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: BullsGM-old on August 02, 2005, 12:58:33 AM Lol at the mass PM's. We all saw this thread, I don't see how PM's would sway anyone into trading for him
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: PacersGM on August 02, 2005, 02:30:30 AM maybe he isn´t getting anything back?
first he asked for a yound backup C with A- def and now ???? I can´t see anyone taking this serious.. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: MagicGM on August 02, 2005, 06:37:03 AM damn abuse of power...
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 02, 2005, 09:16:50 AM What freakin harm does it do? I clearly stated in the title of my PM that it was a mass, so delete it right away if you don't want to read it.
You may have all saw this thread, but I only got 2 PM's out of it. I sent out the PM yesterday, and have so far had SIX replies, FOUR of them ideas that are being worked on. Sorry, but it works. Maybe you ought to try it for yourselves. But quitcher bitchin about it. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 02, 2005, 09:22:02 AM No, you see, I'm the commish. I do have a say.
No more mass pm's. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 02, 2005, 09:29:21 AM All right, I understand.
I can't do what is best for my team because it's too much of a hardship for you to delete one PM. That's makes alot of sense to me. God, it must be a pain for you to have to delete it. I mean, first you have to click on that little box beside the PM, then you have to scroll down, then you have to click on "delete message". The fact is, you probably burn a calorie when you click the mouse the first time, another calorie when you scroll down, and another calorie when you click it again. So, in order to maintain your weight level at the exact same amount, you'd have to eat 1/4567 of a chocolate bar to have the suffiencent calories to do this. Bods, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for making this so hard for you. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: MagicGM on August 02, 2005, 09:34:36 AM wasn't this an issue before, about sending mass pm's? :?:
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: PacersGM on August 02, 2005, 09:46:43 AM why a mass pm? there is no sense in it to write to everybody. about half of the gms here made it clear that they aren´t interested in cato.
so you poor boy only get two pms out of your trade talk :? you posted cato is gone but sent still a mass pm out :shock: why don´t you check the roster of any team and bring up an idea of your own mind instead of a mass pm nobody wants? Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 02, 2005, 11:02:15 AM Quote from: PacersGM why a mass pm? there is no sense in it to write to everybody. about half of the gms here made it clear that they aren´t interested in cato. so you poor boy only get two pms out of your trade talk :? you posted cato is gone but sent still a mass pm out :shock: why don´t you check the roster of any team and bring up an idea of your own mind instead of a mass pm nobody wants? Kindly fuck off and mind your own business. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 02, 2005, 11:24:37 AM I receive plenty of spam via e-mail. The last thing I need is spam through private messages.
And yes, this is spam. spam Audio pronunciation of "spam" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spm) n. Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail. -------------- It is unsolicited, sent indiscriminately, and to multiple individuals. Private messages are meant to be for personalized, 1-1 discussions. NOT league wide templates of something ALREADY posted in a public forum. People read your damned message. The fact that you only got 2 offers probably means people don't give a damn. Second, it is not preventing you from doing what's best for your team, since everyone is on an even playing field in regards to this. Third, it's quite obvious from the reaction of this and your previous spam pm's that it bothers more than just me. Quit thinking of yourself. If others have a problem with it, DON'T DO IT. Fourth, if this is the way you are going to be around here, then fuck off and join another league. You may be a very long time ssba'er, but nobody wants someone with the piss poor attitude you've displayed in your last two posts. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 03:46:22 PM Piss poor attitude? I don't need others (Pacers) mocking me when I'm trying to have a serious conversation about something.
And I don't like the holier than thou attitude that you clearly displayed with your "I'm the commish, you don't get a say". Want a better attitude? Try explaining things the first time. If you think it's spam, whatever, fine, but explain that in your FIRST post, not just when you decide that I have a piss poor attitude. You know what, I heard you, no more mass PM's, and fine, I won't do it anymore. But I don't need to be mocked, and I don't need you to fly in with your holier than thou attitude. I don't think it does any harm whatsoever, everyone gets 1 PM from me, it's not like one person gets 29. But you are the boss, so what you say goes, and I understand that. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: CelticsGM on August 04, 2005, 05:32:42 PM Quote from: RaptorsGM ... I have an offer, and it will be accepted Tommorow at noon if nothing comes up, or Thursday before the sim at the latest ... Quote still hoping this wasn't just announced to make us ... hmmm, offer our souls on top :twisted: Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 06:06:15 PM Actually, it included Joe Smith...who has since been traded.
SonicsGM was good enough to let me know first though. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: BucksGM on August 04, 2005, 08:39:32 PM I took less offense from the mass PM than I did to the suggestion that Cato was "a starter on most teams" or worth a first round pick :)
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 09:02:20 PM If you wouldnt start him over what you've got, your crazy.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 09:33:28 PM Holier than thou attitude? I told you not to do it, and you basically said "thanks, but it's none of your business". At that point I AM allowed to flex my authority. In case you missed it, that rules page was authored by me, on a server that the expenses are paid for by me, with a massive amount of time that is devoted to by me. When I make a DECISION (which, you might want to differentiate from a recommendation), I expect a little more respect than saying "no thanks, i'll continue to do things how I want". THAT'S disrespect. And your response to PacersGM is simply unacceptable. He wasn't mocking you. He was PROVING that they do in fact annoy people.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 10:20:08 PM Quote You know what, I heard you, no more mass PM's, and fine, I won't do it anymore....But you are the boss, so what you say goes, and I understand that. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 10:23:14 PM The fact that you said that doesn't take away from the rest of your post. I am still allowed to reply to the other 3 paragraphs.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 10:32:23 PM Ok, then you want to know how I feel?
I feel like this sim league is becomming a dictatorship where Dabods is always right, and you better not think or say anything that conflicts with his thoughts. I think that sending Mass PM's is a good thing for my team and doesn't do any harm. You think otherwise. Since you are the boss, I no longer have the right to send Mass PM's, which I understand and accept. But I DO HAVE THE RIGHT to voice my opinion on the matter. And others also have the right to voice their opinions too. That's why people died in the Wars, so we can all have FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I have the right to think that the PacersGM was mocking me, and I DO THINK THAT. Because the tone that I sensed from his post was heavily laced with sarcasm. I KNOW that you have THE LAST SAY in all issues, and I have already agreed NOT TO SEND ANYMORE Mass PMs. That's fine. But I don't want my voice taken away from me because I disagree with you. I don't want to be told to fuck off and join another league. I've been here from the start. I've been the most active GM in all of the SSBA. The truth is that I helped build this League. And so did you. And you've done MORE for it than I have by saving it when Twat ruined it. But I have earned the right to say what I want to say within reason. I'm not going to go and personally attack a GM, because that's not right. But if I have something to say, I want to be able to say it without the fear that my fellow GM's are going to mock me or tell me to leave. I should have that right. Alot of GM's disagree with alot of what I have to say, but we should be able to disagree without it coming down to this. And it takes a JOINT EFFORT from everyone to make that work. It takes an effort from me to not have a bad attitude. It takes an effort from you, Bods, to explain your reasoning. It takes an effort from people such as the PacersGM to read their words before they press "submit", and think about how others will take it. I love this League, I've put countless hours into trying to make this a better place. If sending mass PM's doesn't contribute to the well-being of this league, then I'm not about to do it anymore. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 10:49:39 PM You have a right to voice your opinion. You do not have a right to voice your opinion in the manner you did. Become a dictatorship? In what regards?
Let's see. The question comes up on how to manage second round draft picks. What do I do? I bring it up to the league. Ask for everyone's opinion. When all is said and done, I go AGAINST what I thought and took the suggestion of CavsGM, and implemented it. When the issue of what to do with the poor drafts we've been having comes up, I put it to vote. My initial theory was that we would need to slightly modify the draft files to bring more talent into the league. What was the final decision? To leave it untouched, at the request of the league. In the past we had posted depth charts on the boards. To the suggestion of the league, I changed that to PM's. Outside of complaining about the way people act, I haven't used any authority whatsoever. And I have certainly never suppressed any opinions from being voiced. What I will always criticize people about (and frankly, had it been someone of lower tenure, like say WizardsGM, who told someone to "Fuck off", he would have been out that day) are the tone that they respond with. Do you have a right to voice your opinion, and disagree with mine, on Mass PM's? Certainly. Do you have a right to feel that PacersGM was mocking you? Certainly. Do you have a right to respond the way that you did to me? Do you have the right to tell PacersGM to "fuck off"? Absolutely not. That will never be tolerated in this league. Not from you, not from KingsGM (who I've had to remind every now and then), not from WizardsGM. Heck, even WolvesGM won't get away with that. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 10:51:45 PM And if anyone else thinks this has become a dictatorship, I'd be more than willing to step down if a suitable replacement steps up. Heck, that might even be a necessity come the end of September.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: HornetsGM on August 04, 2005, 10:53:07 PM Raps, please start a new thread re: Cato if you want to.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:01:23 PM I thought it was a good idea to lock this, Hornets, and I have PM'd a response to the NetsGM.
I have nothing more to say in public about this. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:05:18 PM Considering PacersGM is involved in this, and the initial posts that started this is in the public, it deserves to be in the public. No reason they can't form an opinion on right vs. wrong, as long as it's civilized. HornetsGM and I have discussed this and have no issue with the thread being open.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:06:39 PM Well, now Bods has asked me to take it back to here.
And I'll say it again, I'm done with this. I don't agree with you, Dabods, and I don't think you have the right to treat me the way you have. But I don't want to sit here having this little pissing contest while there are 10 ther GM's sitting there waiting for the sim. For a while, I'm going to stick to basketball talk, nothing else. That way I won't spark any of these stupid fights. Title: dsadasd Post by: HeatGM on August 04, 2005, 11:07:08 PM bods is doing a fine job as a commish...no complaints here....i also think that there is no harm done on mass PMs...but we have to respect the commish and the rest of the team in the league..some dont want to receive spam PMs...i think the way to solve this is to have a poll for the rest of the league to vote on it...that's my opinion :D
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: HornetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:08:52 PM I have no problem with it being unlocked, my only concern was that it was going to get out of control; I didn't want anyone to do anything rash.
It seems to be under control though. Title: Re: dsadasd Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:09:58 PM Quote from: HeatGM bods is doing a fine job as a commish...no complaints here....i also think that there is no harm done on mass PMs...but we have to respect the commish and the rest of the team in the league..some dont want to receive spam PMs...i think the way to solve this is to have a poll for the rest of the league to vote on it...that's my opinion :D I'm pretty sure we know the answer to that poll. People don't want Mass Pm's sent to them, so I won't do it anymore. That;s really not the argument at all anymore. The argument is about how Bods thinks I reacted to him and the PacersGM in unacceptable ways, and I think that Bods and the PacersGM reacted to me in unacceptable ways. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:10:17 PM And how did I treat you unfairly? Please, elaborate. Look at your post to me, and my previous posts. I made a decision that you didn't like. That doesn't make it unfair. When you tell PacersGM to fuck off, surely you don't expect for me to sit here quietly by.
As I said, had you not been such a good, longstanding GM, you would have been out of here at that moment, and deservedly so. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:14:55 PM Quote from: NetsGM And how did I treat you unfairly? Please, elaborate. Look at your post to me, and my previous posts. I made a decision that you didn't like. That doesn't make it unfair. I've said it before. You didn't explain anything whatsoever in your intial posts. You just said: Quote Alright, serioussly Raps, no more mass pm's. Too which I replied that I recieved 3 times more responses after sending a mass pm, and how it really helped out my team in the past doing it that way. Right then and there, I should have stopped, without the "quitcher bitchin" part (which was directed at the other GM's much more than it was directed at you), and then you could have said your deal about the Spam thing, then this whole thing would have been over. So I'll say it first, my bad. It's my fault for letting the BullsGM, PacersGM and MagicGM get to me. That's what sparked this whole thing. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: HornetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:15:06 PM Quote from: PacersGM so you poor boy only get two pms out of your trade talk :? I believe that this was unnecessarily condescending; however, the response to it was out of line. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:18:43 PM Then you ask for an explanation if you don't like the one given. I have no problems with that. Then I would have showed you the amount of PM's I got complaining about it the last time you did the mass pm's. I have no problems elaborating. And you have every right to ask for it. But that's not being treated unfairly.
PacersGM might have been SLIGHTLY condescending. Or it may have been the language barrier. But didn't deserve NEARLY the response it got. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: Keith on August 04, 2005, 11:19:30 PM I didn't mind the pm but if thats going to happen what is the point of this forum? One pm every now and then doesn't concern me. If I started to recieve a pm for every trade posted in the trade talk or if everybody just starts sending them out it would be a different story.
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:20:36 PM Quote from: WolvesGM I didn't mind the pm but if thats going to happen what is the point of this forum? One pm every now and then doesn't concern me. If I started to recieve a pm for every trade posted in the trade talk or if everybody just starts sending them out it would be a different story. That's the exact point. It's a precedent. If you allow one person to do it, then you can't get upset when everyone does it. Can you imagine getting 30 PM's daily, all of them unsolicitated, and none of which relating directly to you? Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:21:18 PM Quote from: NetsGM And how did I treat you unfairly? Please, elaborate. Look at your post to me, and my previous posts. I made a decision that you didn't like. That doesn't make it unfair. When you tell PacersGM to fuck off, surely you don't expect for me to sit here quietly by. As I said, had you not been such a good, longstanding GM, you would have been out of here at that moment, and deservedly so. Well, now, I wasn't able to respond to your entire post after you edited it. Yes, I understand your reasoning for jumping in after I told the PacersGM to fuck off. I DON'T expect you to sit back and do nothing. In fact, I DO EXPECT you to mediate over the situation immediatly. But to do that, you have to look at it from both sides. You and I were having a debate, and then the PacersGM jumped in and, what I feel, is that he mocked me. I feel that calling someone a "poor boy" for only recieving 2 PM's is clearly mocking them. I can imagine the face that someone would make while they said it, and it's a mocking face. I don't think the PacersGM had a right to say what he said, since his post sounded like 1) he didn't read my comments, and 2) he had no idea about what he was talking about (since he said that half the GM's had made it clear that they weren't interested, and there is obviously no possible way for me to know that) And I also don't think that I had a right to tell him to fuck off. And I also don't think that you had a right to tell me to fuck off. If you want to talk about things that won't be tolerated, don't turn around and do them again. Lead by example, that's all I'm going to say. Hopefully we now have this issue resloved. I aplogize to you, Bods, for reacting in the way that I did to you telling me that I can't send mass Pm's anymore. I hope that you can understand why I reacted that way from what I have said. And I also apolgize to the PacersGM for telling him to fuck off (even though I did say "kindly" ;) ) It was wrong of me to swear at him like that. What I SHOULD have done was to make it clear that I felt that he mocked me and I did not appreciate it. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:25:06 PM Quote from: HornetsGM Quote from: PacersGM so you poor boy only get two pms out of your trade talk :? I believe that this was unnecessarily condescending; however, the response to it was out of line. I agree 100% with that. I think that his comment was unnecessary. And I think that my response was also unnecessary. I should have taken more things into consideration before I responded the way I did (ie the language barrier). And Bods, yes, from now on I will ask for an explanation. Now, I've said I'm sorry, and maybe there are others that are also sorry, and maybe not. Whatever the case may be, I say let's close this case with the verdict that there will be no more mass PM's, and EVERYONE will treat others with respect, and attempt to truely know the FACTS and FACTORS before responding to anyone. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: NetsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:26:42 PM Quote And I also don't think that you had a right to tell me to fuck off. If you want to talk about things that won't be tolerated, don't turn around and do them again. Lead by example, that's all I'm going to say. I am not Ghandi. I do not respond to attacks with pacifism. I'm just not that big of a person. The reason we can't have league members telling each other to fuck off is not because I'm trying to create a family atmosphere. It's simply that if people are telling that to each other, it's going to create a hostile atmosphere. It will piss each other off. We can't have everyone down their throats. At that point, I certainly wasn't worried about pissing you off. Would it have been better for me to reply without emotion? Certainly. But 10 times out of 10, that ain't happening. Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: RaptorsGM on August 04, 2005, 11:29:38 PM All right, I understand that.
But you need to understand that I was almost in the same situation. I should have replied to the PacersGM without emotion, but I felt like I was just attacked, and well, you know the drill. Title: gfdfgdfg Post by: HeatGM on August 04, 2005, 11:38:19 PM i think this issue is settled...i understand why the raps reacted and bods the same way...lets just get this over with...
==========THE END=========== :lol: Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: SonicsGM on August 05, 2005, 01:29:13 AM Just let Zydrunas make his way to Seattle please. :wink:
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: KingsGM-old on August 05, 2005, 06:43:12 AM I don't see any reason for mentioning my name in this debate considering i'm pretty calm and cool for the very long time now and i can't even remember when i said someone to "fuck off" in any thread. :?
Title: Kelvin Cato available Post by: CelticsGM on August 05, 2005, 07:22:04 AM Quote from: KingsGM I don't see any reason for mentioning my name in this debate considering i'm pretty calm and cool for the very long time now and i can't even remember when i said someone to "fuck off" in any thread. :? and since english is just another foreign language to you - and me, we don't even know what that phrase exactly means ... :wink: |