Title: Shaq + other Post by: HornetsGM on July 26, 2005, 08:12:30 PM I have been in talks about the diesel with a few teams, but nothing has really panned out. I am looking to move him and he will probably be gone by the trade deadline. Keep him on your radar, he is putting up great numbers.
In return I would like a very good defensive shotblocker and a swingman. However, I will listen to anything. I am generally trying to get younger, but all offers are welcome. Marion and Livingston are close to untouchable (I consider Marion to be a superstar, meaning top 5 player in the league, and I consider Livingston to be on his way to superstardom), and Pavel is pretty hard to get. The Spurs pick can be included in any deal, with Shaq or without. Title: Shaq + other Post by: HornetsGM on July 26, 2005, 08:44:57 PM Shaq's stats for quick reference:
23.2 ppg, 11.8 rpg, 3.6 apg, 2.0 bpg, 1.1 spg |