Title: Tanner Houbregs Post by: HawksGM on July 18, 2005, 02:37:45 PM The former #1 pick is on the block. He has probably obtained the ratings he will have for most of his career based on prior TC's. He averaged 15/9/1.4/3.2. He's a monster at 7'4 301. With the acquisition of Dan Gadzuric, Tanner is able to be moved. In return I would want a SF/SG who is good on offense and solid of defense. Kurt Thomas's 8 million expiring may be packaged with Tanner or traded separately.
pm me with offers please Title: Tanner Houbregs Post by: KingsGM-old on July 18, 2005, 03:38:33 PM You like Pietrus :?:
Title: Tanner Houbregs Post by: HawksGM on July 18, 2005, 05:50:09 PM Quote from: KingsGM You like Pietrus :?: I do, but I've had better offers Title: Tanner Houbregs Post by: KingsGM-old on July 18, 2005, 05:54:32 PM I could add a some of my younsters also...
Title: Tanner Houbregs Post by: HawksGM on July 18, 2005, 10:21:14 PM Quote from: KingsGM I could add a some of my younsters also... Compared to other offers, I don't see a whole lot we could do. Update I'm seriously considering 5 offers at the moment, a ton of interest in Tanner, I'm not setting a deadline on the day I will make a deal, if your interested make an offer, if you've already made offers thanks, you should know where I stand right now and I"ll be in contact soon Title: Tanner Houbregs Post by: HawksGM on July 21, 2005, 12:53:50 AM A lot of great talks, Tanner is pretty much out the door in a somewhat big deal. Tomorrow you all should know the full details, unless something falls thorough. Thanks to all who showed interest and you all drove a tough bargain, but one deal is one that I couldn't pass up on