Title: 2 Talents 4 1 Pick Post by: CelticsGM on July 12, 2005, 07:33:57 AM Simply wanting to open some roster space I decided to make
158 Marques Baly PF 24 7'0'' 295 C+ C+ C C C B and 120 Broderick Luisetti PG 24 6'3'' 214 B- B- C+ C+ C- C available. Both are just 2nd year players and earn $2,308,902 and $1,925,042 respectively. And both have no chance of cracking my rotation anytime soon. Baly averaged 10/6/2 in his rookie season and Luisetti around 7/3/3 in a backup PG role lately What I want in exchange? Preferably ONE 2009 mid-1st Rd draft pick for BOTH. If this is not possible I'm willing to take an expiring contract back. Title: 2 Talents 4 1 Pick Post by: CelticsGM on July 12, 2005, 10:59:21 AM sorry, the talents are gone