Title: For this with picks in the 20-29 range Post by: RaptorsGM on July 07, 2005, 09:25:44 PM I'd really, really like to get one, as there is a guy I am targetting.
I have alot of players that I will be reisgning (currently listed in the free agents tab). I will be looking to trade anything but my big 5 (Yao, Mihm, Peja, Springs, Davis). Title: For this with picks in the 20-29 range Post by: SunsGM on July 08, 2005, 03:26:24 PM I have pick 25 in the first round, and i've been trying to move it.
I wouldent want any of your players however as i dont want to take on any more salary. we could work out a deal for future picks if youd like though Title: For this with picks in the 20-29 range Post by: RaptorsGM on July 08, 2005, 03:27:06 PM I'll PM you.