Title: With the 19th Pick Post by: NetsGM on July 07, 2005, 09:23:14 PM The Celtics select:
Rocky Elliot, PG, Arizona State. Title: With the 19th Pick Post by: CelticsGM on July 09, 2005, 11:42:46 AM I know this comes a bit late but I'm happy to get my coveted backup PG ... who can take over when Snow breaks his skull again.
Balboa, sorry Elliott actually was #3 on my list for the 19th pick (behind Hunter and Ward). As a PG I see him not too far behind Schabinger, Ward and Miles, currently the leader of the pack, and slightly ahead of Zollner. . Since a backup point was needed, nothing more, his skills, potential and availability are making me pretty happy ... With that A potential, improving his handling to a more PG-suitable B(-) should be possible in a TC or two and that ouside shooting and defense are solid already. |