Title: Jamaal Magloire Sign & Trade... Post by: SonicsGM on June 27, 2005, 04:11:52 PM Sonics are offering up a sign and trade with Jamaal Magloire.
Here's the contract: $8,584,496 $9,442,946 $10,301,395 $11,159,845 $12,018,294 $12,876,744 6 years - $64,383,720 I'll probably just resign him, but I'd like to see what everybody would offer. PM me if interested. Title: Jamaal Magloire Sign & Trade... Post by: MagicGM on June 28, 2005, 05:07:11 AM well, what are you looking for?
Title: Jamaal Magloire Sign & Trade... Post by: SonicsGM on June 28, 2005, 07:01:29 AM Talent in the way of a high pick or a young good big man.