Title: My New Website Post by: GrizzliesGM on June 25, 2005, 01:05:07 PM Hey guys, I just launched my new online shop and thought you would be interested.
(http://img187.echo.cx/img187/4128/headerbg6xc.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us) (http://img162.echo.cx/img162/9446/buysomethingawesomebanner39gt.gif) (http://www.imageshack.us) http://www.BuysomethingAwesome.com/ Title: My New Website Post by: NetsGM on July 07, 2005, 10:52:22 AM Heh, great name. And welldone site.
Title: My New Website Post by: Str8westcoasta on July 10, 2005, 07:04:50 PM Always good to be able to buy some guns....
I wonder why America has so many violence problems..... :roll: Title: My New Website Post by: KingsGM-old on July 10, 2005, 07:11:02 PM What? Grizz is selling guns?
And you can buy a gun thru website?? :shock: Title: My New Website Post by: Str8westcoasta on July 10, 2005, 07:13:22 PM Quote from: KingsGM What? Grizz is selling guns? And you can buy a gun thru website?? :shock: They are technically known as "airsoft" guns... But IMO "I only shot you a little bit" just isn't very comforting!!!! Title: My New Website Post by: RaptorsGM on July 10, 2005, 07:41:09 PM Quote from: RocketsGM Quote from: KingsGM What? Grizz is selling guns? And you can buy a gun thru website?? :shock: They are technically known as "airsoft" guns... But IMO "I only shot you a little bit" just isn't very comforting!!!! :rrofl: Title: r Post by: GrizzliesGM on August 29, 2005, 11:09:21 PM hehe, thanks guys.
Title: My New Website Post by: RaptorsGM on August 29, 2005, 11:19:01 PM I'm gonna buy one of those guns.
Title: My New Website Post by: GrizzliesGM on September 03, 2005, 03:27:46 PM use the discount code goons if you do!