Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: NetsGM on June 22, 2005, 09:40:17 AM There is NO collective bargaining in this league. Meaning, we will not be adopting the new CBA rules. Partly because of built in functionality of the program, and partly because the league's running fine as is
Title: Re: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: CelticsGM on June 22, 2005, 10:00:33 AM Quote from: NetsGM There is NO collective bargaining in this league. Meaning, we will not be adopting the new CBA rules. Partly because of built in functionality of the program, and partly because the league's running fine as is Now if that really is your last word - on behalf of the SSBA Players Association - I think we're headed for a lockout beginning July 5th, because there are some things that we, the owners, are definitely not too happy about ! I will call for a close-door meeting to discuss these topics in detail: - Get that Restricted Free Agency running (and I think we all heard that stereotypical "the program doesn't support it" WAY to often now ...) - Get REAL players into the draft ... and if it's just by replacing the names where ratings match best - just for the fun of it (I guess we all have accepted that there is a skills differential to the REAL world - like for example Tim Duncan being a superstar in SSBA) - We want to expand into Australia, South America and Africa. I don't care where you get the teams to make it work, this has to become a truly INTERNATIONAL thing (and the next step to spread peace and understanding around ... oh, just got a PM. Now wait a moment. That bullshit is supposed to be a fair deal. Goddamn fuc.... does he think Im a stupid ... oh sorry, where did I stop just before?) - And finally: remove the disturbing limit that just ONE team can win it all. Take european soccer where a team can win up to seven titles in a season - nat'l championship, nat'l cup, nat'l another cup (ok, England only), nat'l super cup, european cup, world cup, coffee cup - or SEVEN teams getting titles. Now that would be some fun :wink: Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: NetsGM on June 22, 2005, 10:02:06 AM Haha, you know, after the first 2 I thought you were serious.
Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: SixersGM on June 22, 2005, 10:14:31 AM I like dabod's idea of not keeping real player in the draft. I've been in several sim leagues, and the real player draftees are godlikes. There ratings are too high. Unlike in what we have, the top 3-5 players are most likely the guys who are all-star materials. I think thats the closest thing we can get to the real NBA.
And btw, TD is a superstar. But AI is not a superstar in this league. Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: KingsGM-old on June 22, 2005, 10:16:36 AM i was hoping he was serious with the 2nd one :wink:
and btw is there any kind of new CBA to reduce some of gooden's sallary :) Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: CelticsGM on June 22, 2005, 10:17:53 AM Quote from: NetsGM Haha, you know, after the first 2 I thought you were serious. You really want to take the risk of a lockout not taking this seriously enough? Well, go ahead then with such defining down comments ... ... or do you REALLY believe I will NOT try everything possible to get my team ANY chance for a title within the next three years ? Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: KingsGM-old on June 22, 2005, 10:20:20 AM you mean 3 decades? :)
Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: RaptorsGM on June 22, 2005, 02:29:05 PM Well, aren't we all technically the owners anyway?
Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: Iverson2Korver43 on June 23, 2005, 03:22:56 PM What about the Salary cap??? Any chance you could set ours the same as the NBA... I know the program allows it...
Title: Just so Everybody's clear Post by: NetsGM on June 23, 2005, 03:25:41 PM No, no change in salary cap.
First, the salary cap in the real nba changes. They didn't raise a $ figure, they raised the % of the BRI that the salary cap is based off of. We don't have a BRI. That's inconsequential to us. So it would technically be impossible to "set ours the same as the NBA" It would also affect max deals, and the impact bad decision making has. No, I think having a continuous, set cap is one of the best things about salary in this sim. The only reason to raise it would be to help get people out of contractual mistakes they made. No thanks. |